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Science Lab

Clinical Research Studies

The Clinical Research Team, housed in the Division of Reproductive Sciences and Women's Health Research, conducts federally funded and pharmaceutical company sponsored research studies. The clinical studies focus on the impact of gynecologic and reproductive conditions on women’s health, well-being, and fertility. 


Our clinical research studies involve active collaborations with investigators in the GYN/OB Department, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Johns Hopkins University. Collaborators include Professors Valerie Baker, Professors Ie-Ming Shih and Tian-Li Wang, Professor Jennifer Elisseeff, and Associate Professor Mostafa Borahay. Our group also collaborates with our gifted surgical colleagues in the Hopkins Minimally Invasive Gynecology Division and Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service.



Endogene is an ongoing clinical trial that aims to understand the relationship between acquired mutations in endometriotic tissues and the development of progesterone resistance in lesions among women with more aggressive forms of endometriosis. This clinical trial is a multi-site study in collaboration with Yale University and Vanderbilt University.


FRIEND is an ongoing clinical trial that aims to study the effect of a low caffeine green tea extract (EGCG) on fibroids and subsequent pregnancy and live birth in women seeking fertility treatment. Eligible women who opt to participate in the study are randomized with either the green tea extract or placebo and undergo several cycles of intrauterine insemination (IUI). This clinical trial is a multi-site study in collaboration with Yale University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois at Chicago.

Three Teacups


The genetic determinants of recurrent pregnancy loss (GPRPL) is an ongoing clinical trial that aims to study the genetic causes and discover new genomic predictors for recurrent pregnancy loss. This clinical trial is a multi-site study in collaboration with Yale University and multiple medical centers across the USA.


NatPro is an ongoing clinical trial that aims to study the impact of programmed versus natural frozen embryo transfers on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. This is a multisite study across the US and is actively recruiting individuals undergoing frozen embryo transfers.

Embryologist Adding Sperm to Egg
Image by Supliful - Supplements On Demand


PREGnant is an ongoing clinical trial that aims to study the effect of Elagolix, a GnRH antagonist on endometriosis and subsequent pregnancy in women seeking in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. This clinical trial is a multi-site study in collaboration with Yale University, University of Colorado, University of North Carolina, and Northwestern University.


The SOUL study seeks to expand understanding of the root cause of uterine fibroids. The study will determine the role of senescent cells in fibroids. The long-term goal is to develop new non-hormonal treatments for uterine fibroids.

Fibroid cells_ERa_CAV1.tif

Who To Contact

Casie Post
Research Nurse

Phone: 410-955-6771


Irene Trueheart
Research Nurse

Phone: 410-614-2000


Gaelle Massoud
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Phone: 410-614-2000


Karen Lynch
Research Nurse

Phone: 410-847-3835



720 Rutland Ave, Baltimore, US 21205

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